My name is Anna Koval. I’m a yoga instructor, specializing in Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra.

After working as a flight attendant, constantly traveling, I was an overwhelmed and stressed person, physically and mentally burnt out. Yoga was the only thing that helped me through this hectic life. I’ve been practicing yoga for about 8 years, then I traveled to Bali, Indonesia to complete a month intensive 200-hour certification with the House of Om teacher training school.


The experience was life-changing. Life-changing experiences can lead to personal growth and transformation, helping individuals develop new skills, perspectives, and priorities. These experiences can inspire individuals to make positive changes in their lives, such as pursuing new career paths, starting a business, or improving their health.

I first came to yoga for the physical benefits hoping to lose weight and become more fit. As my body became stronger and healthier I discovered that my yoga mat was a place to find self awareness and mind body connection.

Every person is on a different path. I offer my students the opportunity to take that path in their own way at their own pace, to modify when needed and to honor how they feel at all times.
I will help my students to start to work through emotional blockages, gain some mental clarity , to become their most genuine self.

Joining my classes, whether you are coming for a physical challenge, a spiritual connection, some laughs or all of the above it will be “your yoga”.

Your body is your best teacher , learn to listen to it. Your mind is your biggest distraction, learn to quiet it!

My favorite quote is: Yoga takes you into the present moment, the only place where life exists.”

Here are my 5 top life tips:

1. Stay active , exercise regularly
2. Eat healthy
3. Practice meditation
4. Get a good night’s rest
5. Make self-care a priority