About your Instructors

Elaine Curry BSc (Hons) PGDip.
The founder of Calm Confident Kids, Elaine is a registered yoga teacher with yoga alliance & Yttc and also a pilates teacher accreditated by REPs. Elaine has over 14 years experience of practising yoga & pilates and believes that anyone can practice these things regardless of age, physical or mental ability. Elaine is passionate about helping families to achieve and maintain happy healthy lives through the practice of yoga, pilates, mindfulness and self awareness. She has experience teaching people from all walks of life with varying degrees of abilities from babies, elderly & children with additional needs to sports people. With a background in the medical field Elaine brings also brings knowledge & safety to all classes, being very aware, that we are all individuals with varying abilities and needs.
She is an advocate for women looking after themselves and those around them to create healthy, happy families. As a busy mother of two teenage girls, Elaine spends lots of time ferrying her girls to sports trainings, music practice & other after school activities while also teaching yoga & pilates, Elaine describes herself as “The yoga mammy!”
On weekends she can be found at the sidelines of the playing fields cheering on the teams or helping the management with fitness & training.
In the middle of this busy life she makes time for her exercise, mindfulness & meditation, As Elaine says …
“Even if it is only 5 mins that a busy mum can spare its better than nothing, as it lifts body & mind.”

Helen McGahan
After many successful years working within the UK and Ireland recruitment industry, Helen has joined us here at Calm Confident Kids to help drive our business forward.
A determined and focused professional with a kind, strong and caring personality, she thrived on building successful business relationships and helping the right people to find the right employment in addition to securing and managing several large contracts.
Helen brings to Calm Confident Kids, a deep understanding of marketing principles, excellent communication skills, a positive attitude and enthusiasm that children and adults alike love and respond too.
Following the birth of her second child in 2010 Helen was faced with a difficult situation and chose to become a stay at home Mum, caring for her son Jack, as he was born with many medical conditions that required 1-2-1 care.
Never one to languish in the face of adversity, Helen used her time productively and has trained in Reiki levels 1 and 2 and completed many courses in mindfulness and meditation & life coaching , using these skills, she has successfully worked with people from all walks of life who have required a Holistic approach to healing in both their physical and mental well-being.
Being an active daily practitioner of mindfulness and meditation has helped Helen to remain positive and upbeat in all the challenges faced in everyday life. Helen is a huge advocate of providing children with the opportunity to learn and practice calming techniques such as mindfulness, yoga and meditation, skills which will remain and benefit them for the rest of their lives.
Helen will use her drive for success and her love of the Holistic approach to enable her to reach out to others so that they can help bring Calm, Confident Kids into the lives of all children!!